I am very big on career development and personal development, and one of the techniques I use to help with this is to read or listen to books that improve my knowledge and/or self awareness. Here’s 5 great books I have read recently:
This one is an additional resources to compliment the Business Mentoring programme that I am currently participating in. Check out Self Made book by Bianca Miller-Cole and Byron Cole here https://amzn.to/3QKedQr
This one I bought years ago in Paperback and ready through most of it then apart from the one section I didn’t think was relevant at the time – Selling. Year later I realise its a chapter I probably should have taken seriously so I’ve making up for it now and listening to the audiobook version. Check out Brian Tracy’s book No Excuses here https://amzn.to/3HzMwFu
This book is the second book by Bianca Miller-Cole and Byron Cole, followup after more experiences and feedback from readers and mentees after the first book. This second book is definitely speaking to the things I have been experiencing recently. Check out The Business Survival Kit book here: https://amzn.to/3Na45Nv
This book I bought after attending a training course Financial Freedom and Passion and Profits from Property, hosted by the lovely George and Sarah Choy. It’s definitely helped me make a few changes and take up some new habits in regards to budgeting and money management. Check out Retire Now by George Choy and Sarah Choy here: https://amzn.to/3y6cAFq
I bought this book years ago and never got around to using it until 12 months ago. I haven’t read it cover to cover yet, but used it more like a reference book and jumped into relevant chapters I needed to help me prep for specific interview. I love Gayle’s style of writing as its easy to read and really engaging so far. Check out Cracking the Coding Interview book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell here: https://amzn.to/39zH20W
Bought this Leading Quality book by Ronald Cummings-John and Owais Peer on kindle ages ago so I could read it while commuting. Covid had other ideas and I’ve avoided the commute as have been working at home since 2020. Only just rediscovered this one so only just started reading it. Since I’m in a leadership role now I thought it would be wise to invest some time in developing myself in this area. It’s pretty good so far. I’m hoping I’ll be able to implement some of the things it suggests to improve the quality of the product I’m involved with delivering to the public. Check out the Leading Quality book here https://amzn.to/3zKOEZ9
So these are some of the books I’m currently reading or listening to for career development and personal development. What are your favourite books that you are reading at the moment? And have any of them impacted your career/work/business/life?