Jan 2005 – May 2006
Development of Java web applications delivered through a web portal (http://my.nottingham.ac.uk) to provide a personalised information gateway for prospective/current students and staff.
My Degree Channel
A channel to provide online delivery of final year degree results to students, eliminating the need to produce and distribute 2000 printed pass lists.
Targeted Announcements Channel
A channel to allow non-portal administrators the facility to create and send relevant messages to groups of users selected from a search facility.
Help Desk Plus Channel
A channel to increase the speed and efficiency of dealing with portal supportissues. This looks at the data held for a user in 4 different systems (Ingres database, LDAP Directory, MS SQL Server database, existing XML file store).
Java, JDBC, XML, XSLT, CSS, uPortal (J2EE) framework by JA-SIG