I attend Tech events every month (mostly free and some paid for) to learn about new tech and keep up to date, and over the last 4 years attending these one thing I’ve noticed time and time again is that there is rarely anyone who looks like me at these events.
1) Just wondered how you all keep your tech skills and knowledge up to date?
A) Self Study (reading tech books / articles /online tutorials)
B) Attend free tech events and seminars
C) Attend courses, tech events and/or seminars paid for by you
D) Attend courses, tech events and/or seminars paid for by your Employer
E) On the job training only
F) Work on a side project/’tech for good’ to keep skills up to date
G) I don’t keep my skills and knowledge up to date
H) Other (if its this option elaborate)
2) Have you found actively keeping your skills up to date has helped you progress in your career?
Answers on a postcard please (or just post in the comments box below would be great :-))