

Microsoft Azure Cloud Services including Azure App Service, Azure VM, Azure Data Storage, Azure KeyVault, Azure Data Factory, Azure DevOps CI/CD tools.

Mobile Development:

Android SDK using Java/Kotlin, Retrofit, MVVM/Android Architecture Components – Live Data, RecyclerViews, CardView, Activities, Fragments, Custom View Drawing/Graphics, Gradle, Azure DevOps CI/CD tools, Google Play Store.


Oracle Certified Professional Java EE5 Web Component Developer, Sun Certified Java Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4, Java EE (JSPs and Servlets), JDK1.4 to 1.7, JUnit, Log4j, Java Web Services, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring 4.*/3.*, Spring MVC, Spring Webflow, Struts 1.1, DWR AJAX, Apache Wicket, XML DOM, JSR-168 Portlets, Java Design Patterns;

Web Development:

XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, XML, XSLT, Macromedia Studio MX(Flash, Dreamweaver), WordPress;

Web/App Servers:

JBoss EAP 7, Oracle App Server/OC4J, Tomcat 5.*, Weblogic (5.1, 6, 8.1);

Database Servers:

Oracle (11g, 10g, 6, 7, 8i), Oracle Spatial 10g), MySQL 5, MS SQL Server, MS Access;


Intell-J IDE, Eclipse IDE, Git, SVN, CVS, Maven, Gradle, Ant, TOAD, SQL Developer, Postman, SOAPUI;




Docker, SQL, PL/SQL, Linux, Unix (Solaris), C, UML, Agile development, Pair Programming, full software life-cycle development;